Value Creation

Top Three Value Unlocks from Combining Digital and AI

Was relating with a past and future client about ways to maximize value enhancement the other day. Just stormin' off the top of my cranium, but a clear trichotomy of AI and Digital value possibilities came through like a vision from the beyond.

Data Transparency - data transparency is always a good thing. You find some data? Transparency enhanced. Didn't find any data? Enhanced transparency, because now you know it's not there.

Forecasting - when you get right down to it, most things can be reframed in terms of a forecast. Forecasts are, of course, easy to come by in forecasting. But even things as complex as root cause analysis can really be thought of as forecasts (e.g., what went wrong? I forecast that I'll be able to answer that with some root cause analysis).

Value Investigation - to drive value is one thing; to create it is another; and to secure it requires a third unique skill set. But value identification stands alone as the value function that's hands-down the most valuable value unlock because it comes higher up the value vine (post forthcoming) than the other three.